Denise's NeedleWorks
Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

I am wife to Jeff, homeschool mom to 8, a knit and crochet teacher and totally addicted to knitting, crocheting and other fiber arts. After knitting, crocheting and sewing my own clothing from the age of 10 on, I studied textiles & clothing in college. That lead me to 25 years of custom dressmaking and alterations work, while sewing, knitting and crocheting for my growing children. I have worked in the yarn industry for the past 3 years and have been designing my own knitting patterns. Visit my web site at Find me as DeniseInIowa on

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rose Tree Fiber Shop

I wanted to introduce you to my LYS(Local Yarn Store). It is the Rose Tree Fiber shop located on West street in Ames, Iowa. Rosemary, the owner, started the store 18 years ago. I took a spinning class from Rosemary a few years before she started the store. She has such a wealth of knowledge about fibers, yarns, spinning and weaving! I will include some photos for you to drool over. Watch out for your keyboard it doesn't like drool!!LOL

Rosemary just got in a huge order of Brown Sheep yarn. The shelves out front are full as well as a big shelf in the back room. There are also boxes filled with this yarn. I think she might have every available color of Lambs Pride worsted and bulky and Nature Spun worsted. Want to do some felting?

There are always new yarns to check out too. Some of the newest are made of soy, bamboo, corn, silk and hemp. So intriguing!

She also has a big variety of fibers for spinning and weaving. Spinning wheels and looms and all of the accessories you might want. Check out the hanks of handspun yarns too. Amoungst them you will find yarn spun from the fur of a Samoyed dog. It is the most beautiful white curly yarn!

Of course there are books, books and more books. This picture is only a portion of those. There is so much to look at I can spend hours. I always find something that I hadn't seen before! But to make a decision about what to take home with me? Well....I want it all!!!


Blogger Carol & Christine said...

Jealousy and envy are setting in. We should all take photos of some of our LYS and share and drool... and go broke.

Looks like a great place for me to move into. Any room for me there?

11:07 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

Oh, I would love to drool over other people's LYS's! There are actually 2 apartments upstairs from the Rose Tree and many, many more all around it. It is right next to the Iowa State University campus. We have a beautiful city! Come and join us any time if just for a visit!

11:41 AM  
Blogger ICJ said...

I visited 2 Local Yarn stores yesterday... Boy, was it overwhelming! All that beautiful yarn surrounding me!

Well, I had my Credit Card with me... so, you guessed it... he he he

Wanna read about it?

Isabelle aka Tricotine

11:55 AM  

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